Saturday, August 24, 2013

Chicago French Market - Sam's Gourmet Lasagna and Pasta Test-Taste Opportunity

Sam’s Gourmet Lasagna and Pasta

Having trouble deciding which lasagna, mac n' cheese or pasta you’d like for lunch? Sam's Gourmet Lasagna & Pasta at the Chicago French Market (131 N. Clinton St., Chicago IL, 60661) has the solution. This August, Sam's is providing customers with the opportunity to test-taste each of its delicious selections. Samples are available every day from 7am-9am; 11am-1pm and 5pm - 6pm.

Also this month, the purchase of any hot item will be accompanied by Lasagna of your choice from their GRAB N GO! section ($5).
For more information call 312-775-0057 or visit

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