Like "Mad Men?" How About the Chicago Version? A True Story about a Chicago Adman:
Bill Maloney was the Don Draper of the Windy City
Want to know how the Chicago version of "Mad Men" goes? Here it is...and it’s a true story. Life in the fast lane of the ad game defines Windy City ad man, Bill Maloney who worked for the top ad shops in the 1950’s and 60’s. Former Chicago ad man, now a Honolulu TV and radio producer, Bill Maloney tells it like it was in the fast-paced exciting Chicago ad world. In his book, "Windy City Adman: Celebrities, Studios, Speedways and Scoundrels," Bill lightheartedly recalls his 60 years of famous ad campaigns, encounters with the rich and famous, his own auto racing career and years as an executive TV and radio producer.
Roaming the boardrooms and bar rooms in the Windy City, Bill made a name for himself at BBDO; Foote, Cone & Belding; Clinton E. Frank as an advertising executive handling prestigious accounts like Reynolds Aluminum, Curtiss Candy, Ft. Howard Paper, Dodge and Pontiac. ..And he tells some interesting and funny stories. The early days of live TV add to the merriment of the book as he dealt with a few near-disasters including a show down with prima donna figure skater Sonja Henie among others.
After Chicago, his ad career later took him to New York, Detroit (where he handled major auto manufacturers’ accounts), Los Angeles and now Honolulu. All along the way, Bill recalls (with humor) his many amusing career experiences and the famous characters he met along the way. From the Windy City to the Great White Way to Sunset Boulevard to Paradise, Bill’s life has never known a dull moment in the ad, auto racing and TV world.
A World War II vet, Bill was born and raised in Oak Park, Illinois. After journalism school at the University of Illinois and Northwestern University, he toiled in the Chicago ad game for major agencies while embarked on a career through the auto and show business industries that had him breaking bread (and vino) with Jonathan Winters, Pat McCormick, Art Linkletter, Jay Leno, Mario Andretti, Dick Clark, Arte Johnson, and Jackie Cooper, auto industry movers and shakers and famous race car drivers. A career of firsts includes his creation of the first ever automotive TV show in the U.S., "Motorsports International" on WCIU, Chicago which was nominated for an Emmy in its first year. In an advertising career that has spanned six decades, he keeps on like there’s no tomorrow.
Bill’s latest adventure is the creation of a weekly automotive radio show, "Ohana Road, Radio" which began in 2013 on NBC radio in Honolulu. He is executive producer, co-host and chief promoter.
*Bill handled publicity for the captured WWII German submarine U505 when it was brought to Chicago in June 1954. He was on the deck as it sailed down the Chicago River before it was moved to the Museum of Science and Industry.
* Bill "invented" tailgating at Northwestern (yes, "invented")
*Jonathan Winters created such a stir when Bill brought him to a Northwestern football game that most of the fans were paying more attention to him than the game
*50’s and 60’s watering holes for the mad men were Chez Paul and Henrici’s (in the Merchandise Mart) among others
*At U of I, several of his side businesses were "encouraged" to shut down by the Mob
"Windy City Adman: Celebrities, Studios, Speedways and Scoundrels" is available in soft cover or eBook on Amazon. Go here.
Visit the Windy City Adman website for more information. |
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