Kurman Communications joined many other River North companies including Rockit Ranch Productions, Chicago Home and Garden Magazine and North Bank at 10Pin Bowling Lounge (330 north state street, Chicago; 312.644.0300) for River North Association's (RNA) Speed Networking night. 

We laced up our stylish bowling shoes (really, no joke) and headed to the lanes. The lanes were filled with eager-to-bowl River North companies and Cindy Kurman, an RNA Executive Board member made the rounds, chatting it up with everyone in between bowls. Throughout the night there was a lot of laughs and strikes and exchanging of business cards.

The RNA crew kept all of us focused on the task at hand - meeting new people - and made sure also that we were knocking the pins down and having a ball.
10Pin Bowling Lounge provided us with delicious pizza and drinks, great music and lots of time to bowl and chat. It was great fun to get out of the office, talk to new people and reach for that high score.

(all photos courtesy of Cindy Kurman; please visit our photo library to view/download more images from the RNA Speed Bowling Networking Event!)
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